Thursday, 25 July 2013

Bitten By An Emu In Kazan


While in Kazan we were all assigned Russian buddies/mentors to help us settle down. One of the mentors told my friend about this petting zoo on the top floor of a mall near the city center, so we decided to go check it out!

The zoopark is located in a mall on Peterburgskaya street/ulitsa, in the mall behind Kaltso!

The first thing we saw once we got there was an enclosure near the ticketing office where there were some birds and a squirrel. The poor squirrel looked kind of crazy as it ran back and forth in front of the glass pane.  (luckily when we checked on it on the way out it stopped doing that) We felt so bad that we almost didn't want to go in. The ticket cost 150 roubles, and I also paid 50 roubles for some carrots and lettuce to feed the animals

It is a relatively small, even family run petting zoo with pigs, chickens (and chicks), turkeys, peacocks goats, snakes, frogs, porcupines, turtles and of course emus!


The cutest little white goat kept putting his hooves on the top of his enclosure to stick his head out to try and get the food (not gonna lie, I kept taunting it and putting the food just out of reach for him! I'm terrible!)


The place was mainly for kids, but we're still kids! Just....very tall kids! The man who worked there also took out a hedgehog for us to play with and the snake.

The look of sheer terror on my face

Then I wanted a photo of me feeding the emu. The only problem was the emu would really quickly stick its head out grab the food and then recoil back into the enclosure, so it was a hard photo. I also didn't really trust it and found it really hard to just look at the camera without keeping my eye on the emu....

and then it bit me while grabbing the carrot stick out of my hands.

Also on a similar note, while roaming the main street of Kazan, Ulitsa Baumana, we saw a guy walking around with an owl and letting people take photos with it for free, so here is the intimate moment I shared with owl here.

me + owl = <3 forever

xx Vagabond Girl


  1. LOL, sorry you got bit but your running away picture is priceless :) I went to kiss a llama once and it sneezed in my face. I flew back, broke my flipflop, and had to walk through the rest of the zoo with one shoe on. That was embarrassing lol!! Are you traveling in Russia or do you live there?

    1. Hahaha! I know it is! It's one of the best pictures that were taken on the trip! ahahhahahaha! omg that's hilarious, I love llamas, but sorry to hear about the shoe, that must've sucked! Oh I was just in Russia for a month as I study Russian at university and we had to go do a language course there :)
      Norma x

  2. ahhh I love petting zoos :) especially birds I can hold and feed..clearly you enjoyed that too ;) hehe

    1. Yeah it was the first time I went to one! Haha yup! I love touching animals ahhha :P
      Norma x

  3. Oh, that's lovely! I love animals too!

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